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The Medium


Meet Tay

The Medium

Hello and welcome!

My name is Taylor, I am a psychic medium and intuitive currently located in Toronto, Canada. 

I always felt like the odd one out growing up, feeling slightly disconnected from others and could often be found with my head in the clouds daydreaming (I still can haha). Growing up I really struggled with my mental health (depression and anxiety) for years. I felt entirely lost in my pursuit of purpose, often putting myself down for not having "figured it out" like those around me seemed to. I was searching for guidance and answers. 

In my mid-twenties I stumbled upon a few of those answers I had been longing for. I started a meditation practice in the hopes of relieving some of my anxiety, little did I know at the time that my meditation practice would open me up to an entire universe of possibilities. 

The first mystical experiences I had during meditation left me with many questions that propelled me down the path I am on now of continually learning and strengthening my mediumship and intuitive abilities. 

I will never forget how magical it was to deliver the messages of loved ones to my very first client. I was just about as shocked as they were with what came through in session. Through mentorship and training I have developed my mediumship abilities and am elated to now be offering services. 


There is no greater way that I could imagine giving back in this world than helping others find peace, healing and comfort in the messages that spirit brings through.I am beyond grateful for the way that connecting with spirit has changed my life and I would love nothing more than to help and assist you on your. journey. 




what we do best


Intuitive Email


Mediumship Reading

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Intuitive Tarot

Let's do this!

What do Mediums do exactly?

Mediums are intuitive individuals that use their compassion for helping and healing others along with their spiritual abilities to connect to loved ones who have crossed over in order to bring messages and guidance through to their clients. 

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I love working with Oracle and Tarot cards to bring additional messages through in a reading.


While Tarot and Oracle cards are not necessary in a mediumship reading I find they bring enhanced clarity and help to deepen the messages that come through.


Tarot and Oracle card readings are best for those who are looking for general guidance, or guidance related to a specific area such as love, career or finances. 

Tarot and Oracle Card Readings


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