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Hi I'm Tay
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Welcome Friends


Say Hello,

Hey I'm Taylor,

I am a psychic medium and intuitive based out of Toronto, Canada. I love long walks in nature, cute dogs, nice people and relaxing in a warm bubble bath after a long day.


If I am not doing psychic readings you will find me working as a makeup artist, reading about paranormal phenomena, working on entrepreneurial ventures or spending quality time with loved ones. 


I have always felt a pull towards all things weird and wonderful. When I was younger I loved to sit and daydream imagining what life would be like if I had magical powers or if I could fly. I had an obsession in my tween years with That's So Raven (a show about a teenage psychic played by Raven Symone). I never imagined that I would actually find myself working as a psychic medium. 

Despite my interest in otherworldly phenomena, I always thought I would take a more traditional route with my career. After high school I pursued a degree in human nutrition with an interest at the time of becoming a dietician. I excelled in my courses but did not feel passionate about my studies and decided to resign from my program. It was after leaving school that I stumbled into makeup artistry as an alternate career path. I enjoyed the creative aspects and enjoyed helping others express themselves but something was still missing, I yearned for a career that would bring me a sense of purpose and allow me to help others in a meaningful and lasting way.

Throughout my teenage years and early 20's I struggled a lot with depression, anxiety and lethargy. It was ultimately these struggles that would propel me on an inward journey of self exploration and healing. I began meditating daily as an anxiety and stress reduction tool and was shocked by what began to occur during meditation - seeing visuals, sounds, colours, etc... That was the beginning of my spiritual journey. It has been a few years since I first began to explore my abilities and I have noticed a HUGE difference in my outlook on life. I still struggle and have my off days here and there but my perspectives have shifted immensely and I feel lighter, brighter. and proud of myself for working through some of my past hurts. 

I've experienced firsthand the mental/emotional healing that comes with exploring our connection with spirit and I hope that I can use my abilities to help you feel a little lighter, a little brighter, and a little more at peace in your daily life.  Spirit really just wants the best for us and they are always here to help us.

My mission in this business is to bring a small (or large) sliver of happiness and healing to my clients. 


In session we laugh together, we cry together, and we heal together and I think that is so magical <3

If you think you could benefit from my services I am happy to help! Check out my services page or view my shop to see my current offerings.

Fun facts about me!

I connect to spirit through Clairvoyance (visual), Clairaudience (audio), Clairsentience (intuitive knowing), and sometimes even smell (that's a fun one).

I use a mixture of these skills to bring through as much information for my clients as possible. 

Fun facts

Fun facts

about me 

My Astro Chart:
Sun in Aries 
Moon in Pisces
Rising in Leo 

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