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  • Legal Considerations
    All readings are for entertainment purposes only. All services provided by Tay the Medium are not a guarantee. Readings are designed for fun and self exploration and are not a suitable substitute for professional counselling or medical treatments. Tay the Medium is not a physician and does not give medical advice. Any medical information that comes through in a reading is for entertainment only and does not substitute care provided by a licensed physician. Tay the Medium is not a grief councillor and while mediumship readings can be insightful they are not a substitute for proper bereavement counselling from a licensed professional. Tay the Medium is not responsible for any action, or inaction taken by a client after a service has been provided. Tay the Medium is not responsible for the decisions made by clients after a reading or service has been provided. All messages provided during a reading are simply for entertainment value and are not a substitute for mental, emotional, financial, or health related advice from a licensed party. Any and all past or future predictions are not a guarantee, and there is no guarantee of accuracy. Readings and services are only for those who are 18 + years of age who can legally consent to a service. If anyone under 18 years of age wishes to book a service written and signed consent must be provided by a legal guardian or parent prior to booking the service and the parent or guardian must be present at the time of the session and or the rendering of services. By booking a service you agree to pay for the service in full at the time of booking and agree to the above terms and conditions. By booking a session you consent that Tay the Medium is not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from using the spiritual advice provided during services or on this site and Tay the Medium's other social media pages. All sales are full and final. No refunds, or exchanges. If you must reschedule your session it is at the discretion and availability of Tay the Medium and you are not guaranteed another date (I will do my best to accommodate, but it is not guaranteed). Any requests for rescheduling must be made at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled session time. When you sign up for services you agree that you are using the services at your own risk.


Necessary Disclaimers so I don't get sued :)

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