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Vision Board


If you've read my previous blog post then you know I mentioned that I have a hard time setting specific goals and asking for specific things out of life. This post will be an exploration and manifestation experiment of sorts. A small list of goals and fun ideas that I'd like to manifest.

I write this with the hopes I will forget about it and be inclined to come back and read it again someday when some or all of the items have come true.

- Write more regularly, whether on a blog or other platform

- Start a Youtube channel or Tiktok page to expand my audience

- Do a Ted X Talk

- Write a novel - bonus points if it ends up on the New York Times bestseller list ;) - Quit my day job to pursue my passions full-time

- Design and publish my own Oracle card deck

- Put myself out there more

- Earn over $100,000 a year so I can live in financial freedom and give back

- Buy a house

- Start my own business

- Have solid loving relationships with family, friends and a romantic partner

- Do a therapist guided plant medicine session

- Further improve my Clairvoyance

- Meet Kacey Musgraves and/or Miley Cyrus

- Be free of physical symptoms of anxiety, and heal my current physical ailments

- Wear a fabulous fancy gown like celebs do on red carpets

- Meet more amazing inspiring people, become friends

- Eat grapes on a boat

- Watch my friends succeed and cheer them on

- Travel and meet amazing people along the way

That's all for now :) Love,



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