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Looking for spiritual guidance? Check out my services below. I'd be happy to help <3 


what we do best


Email Intuitive Reading

1 | $75 


This is a mini intuitive reading that will be delivered to you via email within 5 business days.


I will sit down and tune into you and provide you with any messages that spirit has for you on the day of the reading.


Email readings are great for general guidance.


 There is no set length for email readings as each reading is unique but I will do my best to ensure that you are satisfied with the amount of information provided. 


Mediumship Reading

45 Min | $111


This session is best for those who are looking to connect to loved ones in spirit. Mediumship readings create a safe space for our loved ones to communicate with us and to deepen our connection to spirit. I will verbally deliver any messages that come through from spirit during the 45 minute session.This offering is a virtual session hosted via Zoom.


I ask all clients not to tell me any information about their loved ones prior to session as this ensures that all messages coming through can be received with an open heart and with a true knowing that the connection is authentic.


If you are seeking to connect to someone specific you can simply ask them to come through during your session and if it is meant to be it will happen naturally! How can you ask? You can simply think about them and ask them in your head.


If you have any questions about how mediumship works or how I receive messages please read my about page or check out my blog! 


Please note that while mediumship readings are a great tool to connect us to our loved ones and provide healing and understanding. Mediumship readings are not a replacement for bereavement counselling or any traditional counselling services. 


I am not a registered councillor and cannot provide the aforementioned services but take great pride in the small way that I can help those in mourning find hope.

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Tarot Intuitive Reading

1 | $60


This offering is an intuitive 5 card reading.


I love tarot and oracle cards and always keep many decks close by. I will pull you 5 cards from a mixture of tarot and oracle cards and provide you with either a written explanation or voice recording of the card interpretation..


This is best for general guidance or for guidance on one focus area such as love, career, spiritual development, etc...


If you have a specific area you want me to focus on please send me an email or note it in the "Reading Preferences" section of the online booking page.


 Note:  Please only indicate the desired area of focus (i.e. no details).




Hi Taylor,

Please focus on career. 



Love & Light


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Look what our clients are saying! 

To say my session with Taylor was astounding would be a total understatement. The very specific details that came up, and how many connections were made was absolutely incredible. I felt like I was receiving so much love and assurance from my spirit family. We laughed, we cried, we picked our jaws up off the floor. Reiterating the messages Taylor offered me to my mom brought a second level of amazement. We made even more connections and my mom was absolutely floored. Taylor offers a very safe place to feel vulnerable and brings a huge amount of compassionate and positive energy while she reads. I will definitely be a returning customer. Thank you so much!!! <3

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Have any questions?

Do you have any questions about my offerings? I'm happy to answer, reach me below!

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